Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano...

So with less than 10 days to go before we embark on my first trip to NYC, I am taking a few moments to update my blog and share a secret with you. This trip, which I have been raving about since the beginning of September, and dreaming about since I was 12, almost became sabotaged this past week by my own rendition of Rocky, LIVE. And I don't mean Rocky Horror, because that may have actually been better... As many of you know, the past few years of my life have been challenging, as most of our lives often are, and I understand that everyone deals with their past in their own way, and for me, I chose not to deal with it at all. Doing what I had to do to survive my biggest heartbreak to date, and working at getting back on my feet, etc. Making sure everyone around me in my immediate life was happy and well taken care of, neglecting what I needed or wanted, most of the time. You know how it goes, it's easy to ignore your own warning signs when you are busy helping other people with theirs.

Truth is...I got squirrel-baby crazy for a moment in time and almost lost a friend, and I decided at that point, it was time to stop ignoring myself and face these things I have been putting off for years. So with that, I have made some good life changes, and I am pretty happy. This past week has been enlightening and I am just a blessed woman! So the trip which was going to be canceled for a moment in time, is back on, and I am so excited, and truly grateful. Now enough the emo-supremo talk. Let's talk NYC11

We got our NYC City Passport which allows you to enter all the museums, & tours, go on and off the Double-Decker buses, and take a boat tour around the island, go to and up the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, etc ... You know all the major landmarks. So now we have EVERYTHING! Only thing left to get is our Rock of Ages tix at the half price tix booth in Times Square!!

It is almost too exciting, I am afraid my heart is going to beat right out of my chest!!!

I am so thankful, and so blessed. I truly believe that if you try your best, and even when we fail and make mistakes, we try again, and again, it will pay off. Maybe not right away in your life or situation, but at some point. I am a firm believer in "what goes around comes around" and I believe paying it forward and treating people with love and respect and kindness, and most of all FORGIVENESS, it will come back to you when you Need it most...

This is my best friend, and just ONE of the many pics from this year, which has been crazy, fun, frustrating, exciting, and every other emotion that exist! Can't wait to see what pics we come back from NYC with!! I <3 my life! And I love my friends & family...

The End..

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